Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Exams! Just another one in life..

Yeah, so I have not been posting/ babbling about stuff recently. Prolly NOT because of exams. It's just because I haven't been that free recently.

Exams are running. It's the 2nd day, as well as the 2nd last day tomorrow.

Coming soon activities:
Vocal audition for the vocal workshop :o (GeeZ I can't sing like some idol or whatsoever..)
Driving lessons!
Music Camp

Will try to perform some funky song with added taking-turn solos for all the instruments :D
Let's all have fun after this fucking week of exams!
And if you're reading this and you loved exams. Fuck you ^^o0o

I nidda Get a life!! But holidays are just too short to do so.