Well I may be kind of a newbie in playing a sax but having good sound coming out from your instrument will sure make you happy. As money is a MAJOR problem in this case, I must cancel the choice of that RM1800 DV gold plated metal mouthpiece that I wanted badly for this:
RM580 Jodyjazz classical mouthpiece
With this classical mouthpiece for my sax, at least I'll get some significant sound improvement and it sure will guide me along my career a long way!
Whats more attracting and benefiting is this all-new spoiler thingy. It works like an additional reed in place INSIDE your mouthpiece. When equipped, you'll have somewhat a fuller and brighter toning from your sax.
Whats more attracting and benefiting is this all-new spoiler thingy. It works like an additional reed in place INSIDE your mouthpiece. When equipped, you'll have somewhat a fuller and brighter toning from your sax.
The model name, "Classic", does not mean that this mouthpiece is for Classical Music. When Jody first started making mouthpieces, this was the first and only model that he had, so it was just called the JodyJazz. Once he created the next model which was the ESP, the first mouthpiece needed a model name. It was actually a customer who named the mouthpiece. He said to Jody, "Not the ESP, but your "Classic" model.
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